Roof underlays - ISODACH STANDARD

3-layer, universal roof membrane with high vapor permeability and durability for all types of pitched roofs, with full boarding or not.
- The high vapor permeability, sd = 0.002 m
- high waterproofness, more than 250 cm of water column
- UV stability up to three months


- Length ≥ 50m
- Width 1,5m
- Surface weight 100 g/m²
- Resistance to fire, EN 13501-1, EN 11925-2 class E
- Resistance to water penetration, EN 1928 class W1
- Water vapor-value sd, EN 12572 0,02 m
- Stamina stretching lengthwise/crosswise, EN 12311-1 220/ 140 N/50mm
- Elongation length/cross, EN 12311-1 40/70 %
- Stamina tear along/across, EN 12310-1 80/90 N
- Temperature Resistance -40 / +80 °C
- Waterproof, EN 20811 ≥ 250 cm
- UV resistance, EN 12310-1 3 months
- Quantity per pallet 32 rol./2400 m²
